Video: For Market Impact and ROI at Any Budget
In our highly visual, fast-paced digital world, video content is no longer optional — it's essential. At Quell, we deliver compelling videos that drive brand engagement. From captivating social media clips and product demos to [...]
Was Google’s Algorithm Leaked? See How You Can Take Advantage
Google’s algorithm is the driving force behind Search. It’s the machine that sorts out all web rankings, deciding whether and how highly your website ranks. For a long time, these ranking factors have been a [...]
Does Your Employee Newsletter Captivate Employees?
Employee newsletters often get a bad rap for missing the mark when it comes to providing the type of content that will engage readers. As a result, employees may overlook their [...]
Boost Employee Engagement with Culture and Communication
Employee engagement is frequently covered in the news media as a conundrum with no ready solution. Today’s fragmented workforce – remote, hybrid, in-office or a blend of all three – defies traditional [...]
Beyond the Logo – Creating True Value Behind Your Brand
When developing a new brand from the ground up, most people get so wrapped up in the logo design that they forget what is behind their brand. While your logo plays a vital role in [...]
Everyone is Chatting About AI Chatbots
Everyone is Chatting About AI Chatbots ChatGPT and Dall-E are just two of the more than 450 generative AI chatbot programs out there, with scads of new AI chatbots coming online so [...]
Prevent Common Email Marketing Mistakes
Email marketing is a valuable part of the marketer's toolkit. An array of digital services simplifies this process, to a point. Taking a step back, it's good to remember that email [...]
Engage New Employees with Immersive Onboarding Experiences
The remote and hybrid workforces that became a matter of business survival during the pandemic are here to stay. With the majority of new employee interviews being held virtually, some of [...]
Add Impact to Marketing Communications with Animation
Animation is an endearing and memorable way to establish a connection and resonate with viewers. The medium is as familiar as the playgrounds of our childhoods. From the enchanting works of Disney to the [...]
6 SEO Top Tips for Boosting Search Through Better Web Content
As we assist clients with content creation for webpages and longform content like blog articles, we have identified a list of key considerations for search engine optimization (SEO). Listed below are 6 of [...]
Have Your Marketing Talent and Capital Improvements, Too
Why outsourcing your top marketing staff makes sense in many cases Everyone knows about the potential benefits of timeshares. Some know about fractional ownership of private aircraft, but few know about a [...]
Time to Rebrand? Find Out With Quell’s ’11 Signs’
As Michigan’s foremost branding company, we have been in a unique position to execute branding strategies for many different companies during the past 26 years. While every situation is different, we've [...]
Unlocking the True Power of Your Brand
The Quell Group specializes in helping companies unlock the true power of their brand with its Unknot. Align. Market.® method. Using this rigorous process, Quell helps businesses unknot their value, align [...]
Common Sense in Social Media
To post, or not to post… That is not the question. You might recall a few years back when the Wall Street Journal was tipped off to a scandal involving [...]
Quell-Inspired Emojis Help Us Celebrate #EmojiDay
What happens when your messages need some extra pizzazz, or spice, or fun? Add emojis! ??? Although the silly, supplemental symbols are relatively new in the digital age, these characters have made a lasting [...]
Use Account-Based Retargeting to Reach B2B Decision Makers & Influencers
Buying decisions in the business-to-business (B2B) world are almost never made by one single individual. They typically involve multiple decision makers and influencers at various levels within a company, and the processes and rules around [...]
8 Reasons to Hire an Agency for Social Media Management
Social Media continues to grow as a convenient and effective way to stay digitally connected with products and brands and become acquainted with new brands. A brand’s online presence, particularly on [...]
Four Ways to Optimize Your Next LinkedIn Campaign
LinkedIn Sponsored Content is one of the most effective ways for B2B companies to reach their target audiences. (New to LinkedIn advertising? Read our blog about why LinkedIn should be part of your strategy.) With [...]
Boost Brand Authenticity & ROI with Face Value (Puns!)
Creating greater impact for your marketing messages with face-to-face interactions Another popular brick-and-mortar closes multiple locations almost every other week it seems. With countless articles covering increased use of mobile devices, the ever-growing digital landscape [...]
5 Reasons Why Every B2B Company Needs a LinkedIn Sponsored Content Strategy
Direct Correlation Between Ad Spend and Lead Volume Quell has launched a number of sponsored content programs for clients on LinkedIn over the past several years, and the benefits to every one of them have [...]
Back to SEO School
It’s that time of year when students are returning to campuses and classrooms, summer evenings have a bit of chill to them, and cider mills are gearing up to churn out dozens of donuts and [...]
Meaningful Facebook Updates: Make the Algorithm Work for You
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced the platform’s latest algorithm changes will show more personal posts and less news items in users’ feeds – thus, placing priority on content from friends and family rather than [...]
Building Personas To Improve Engagement
Storytelling is a large component for modern marketing campaigns, as content creation has become a critical element for the buyer’s journey. Not only are marketers developing relevant content to help audiences make more informed [...]
The Account Based Marketing (ABM) Approach
The Account Based Marketing (ABM) market is one of the hottest areas for marketing investments today, but there are many misconceptions about ABM – is it a technology, or a set of technologies? [...]
A Grumpy Guy for a New Age
Many B2B marketers will recall with fondness the old McGraw-Hill advertisement which featured the original “grumpy” decision-maker, seated in his chair with his hands clasped, asking a series of questions to the unlucky representative trying [...]
Everybody Talks About ROI…
…but nobody is really doing it. OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but my point is that Return on Investment (ROI) is a term easily bandied about by far, far more marketing [...]